Ends August 14th
Multi-Designer Sale. Some brand new and exclusive items just for the event, sale items (25-50% discount), and hunt items (5L each). The theme is Magical, Fantasy, Gothic Fashion and Decor. You'll be searching for little cauldrons hidden around the event grounds. Over 36 items can be found in the hunt, at last count, but more may be available. You'll get the chance to pick up things like hair, accessories, clothing, nail appliers and decor!
A great little selection of cool and interesting items are only 5L a piece, how can you not love that?!? Happy Hunting!
::Items Worn From Hunt::
.:S.C:. Kitty Whiskers
:SHIVA: Sabrina Garter - Maitreya
::OOPS:: Bat Headband 1
JR Wolf Creations - Sacred Halter
::SO:: Raven Gothic Floral Chain Peep Toe High Shoes - black
.EscalateD. - Quisha V1 hair
Dark Passions - Koffin Nails - Bats At Dusk
::Items Shown From Hunt::
*paper moon* - Tattooed Plaster Hands
F&M - Norse Room Screen Vegvisir
LOVE - Tall Wall Foliage - Paleberry
Raindale - Emberbrook decor set
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