Alone on the runway, all eyes on me. What do I do? How do I stand? At-least the one thing I don't have to worry about is how beautiful I look in this Donna Dress from BETRAYAL, paired with these heels and sleek Foxy hair.
Take your pictures, judge me, but I'll be fabulous even after this show.
::Style Credits::
BETRAYAL Donna Dress (Gift from ACCESS Event)
::Head & Body::
CATWA head Margeaux
Maitreya Mesh Lara Body
Foxy Ina Hair (Group Gift)
: ANDORE: Mesh Ears Rose and Key
LIVIA Moon Rings
Vibing + Nova Emma Rings Onyx
Essences Natalia Shape/Brows & Head/Body Skin Medium 02 (Catwa PowderPack Dec 2017)
Fair lipstick from ::Modish:: Linda Cosmetics (Catwa PowderPack March 2017)
V1 Bold & Beauty Eyeshadow (Catwa PowderPack March 2017)
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