Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The Crystal Heart Academy & Free Gifts!

Event Runs June 30th - July 28th

  I counted 28 items that I picked up free at this event, one was 1L, so almost free. This event is themed around anime and role-play, dripping in cutesy pink and diamonds!

  I've never attended this Event before, but I see why it could be so popular. Not only is it pretty, and offers a very wide selection of items like hair, clothing, makeup and accessories but it's also just fun to look at! 

::Items from Event worn::

*Tentacio* magic ribbon (free gift)
::AMBIX:: Usagi Ears & Tail (free gift)
^.^Ayashi^.^ Mizuki hair (free gift)
CURELESS Crystal Rod (free gift)
Luas Lluna Halo (free gift)
MICHAN Chibi Choker (free gift)
Insomnia Angel knight garter (free gift)
{The Crystal Heart} Academy Handbook - held (free gift)
.SB. floppy shy eggu gift (free gift)

::Head & Body::


FOXCITY Dance set (Free Gift from SL 16th Birthday Event)
eBENTO 2nd Anniversary Gift by -[CL]-


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