I've just stumbled across this great clothing store on the marketplace, and HAD to share it! Mostly female mesh pieces, but there are some unisex and male items as well. What was so shocking was the low prices and yet, such high quality mesh.
Prices starting as low as just 1L! I was wearing a jacket and pants from their shop in a recent post called "Shopaholic" here on my blog and my Flickr account. The way they fit, with multiple mesh body type selections and how great they looked, inspired me to go have another look at what they were selling.
I'm not sure just how old their shop is, or how long they have been around Secondlife, OR if they are even still very active in making new items but they are most definitely worth your time in checking out. I hope you too can find something you love, to add to your wardrobe.
Items Worn:
Head: Margeaux by CATWA
Body: Lara by Maitreya
Skin: 7deadlys[K]ins
Tattoos: Wings Of Redemption by SuPerBia
Henna Leg IV by The Gallery
Hair: Amberly by ELIKATIRA
Top: TINY bikini by sYs
Pants: MELLOW jeans by sYs
Body Chain: KALT bodychain by sYs
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